View Full Version : $111 Paint Job

11-06-2010, 10:17 PM
All this paint talk (pay up non members and you'd know what i'm talkn bout) has prompted me to post one of my fav visual reads from Custom Fighters forum.. pretty straight forward.. 1 bloke, 1 ZX7, $111 squid and voila..

rustoleum midnight metallic gray spray paint $4.50 x4
duplicolor clear laquer quart $22.50
duplicolor high fill primer spray paint $5.50 x2
duplicolor engine spray paint "hemi orange" $5.50
3M 4" roll of tape $6.75
3M 2" $4.75
total prep cleaning spray $7.50
Misc sandpaper $15.00
dime bag of cryp (to help lay tape straight) $10 x2

total $111.00






Before Clear





After Wet Sand









11-06-2010, 10:22 PM
acrylic paint tonns of work yes its cheap,but if your happy with that ,im down with that ,hey maybe i could teach some of you guys how to prep n paint wot u reckon gitzy

11-06-2010, 10:30 PM

for a friend of mine ,this was a fighter,he wanted me to bring it back and fit fairings and paint it ,

11-06-2010, 10:38 PM
Hey pete. As great as you're prices are. I still can't afford that at the moment. Have another school fee to pay ($4500) and also rego for the car.....

So if u give me some pointers as to how to prep and the steps involved in the painting process I would be very grateful. I have a gravity fed gun and also a small paint boot available at work to use. Any advice would be great mate.

11-06-2010, 11:01 PM
i can do it for $50 kill rust white !

12-06-2010, 08:05 AM
quote:Originally posted by revheadpete

hey maybe i could teach some of you guys how to prep n paint wot u reckon gitzy

Yup Yup.. good idea.. is acrylic no good Pete? hang on whoa up.. whats acrylic? we need a "Petes Corner" Thread so we can pick your baldy Mcbrain..

12-06-2010, 08:14 AM
Acryllic is water based paint.

Enamel is a solvent based paint.

2pack is nasty nasty stuff but the ducks nuts mate. It sets really hard and is a better product IMHO than the softer acryllics or enamels.

Oh yeah, almost forgot - that $111 is US$$ not Oz$$ so it would cost us more.

12-06-2010, 09:25 AM
Acryllic is water based paint. No, it is also solvent based, you may be thinking of house paint?

Enamel is a solvent based paint. Only good for painting machinery.

2pack is nasty nasty stuff but the ducks nuts mate. It sets really hard and is a better product IMHO than the softer acryllics or enamel
2 pack is the way to go, solvent resistant so petrol will not soften it as it will acrylic, good gloss retention and is all round MUCH more durable than acrylic. Having said that there are cheap paints out there that are not much good either, use good quality material all through the process and you will end up with a paint job that still looks good years later.
By the way it is probably no nastier than acrylic, have you seen the shit that goes into any paint product, reads like a who's who of carcinogens[xx(]

12-06-2010, 01:54 PM
Maybe just a step by step process on how to prep,so people can save some coin,and just get the painters to paint the finish product,would be good??
I know that the prep work has to be spot on for a good paint finish,but for those of us that have good panels,tanks etc,maybe its ok for us to prep??

12-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Look here mate, Pete is on the job.

12-06-2010, 02:36 PM
quote:Originally posted by gibbo

Look here mate, Pete is on the job.
;)onya gibbo hope im doin beaters and painters proud:D cheers

13-06-2010, 08:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by nick76

Maybe just a step by step process on how to prep,so people can save some coin,and just get the painters to paint the finish product,would be good??
I know that the prep work has to be spot on for a good paint finish,but for those of us that have good panels,tanks etc,maybe its ok for us to prep??

It would be a tough call to expect them to warrent let alone even expect a good job from some one that didn't do there own prep work ,
I dont know of any resectable painters that would agree to this- i wouldn't for one and the reason is my name is now on that job.
If i painted something just for someone to save a couple of bucks and they had done a crap job and i painted over it it will always look shit.
And also if the prep work was crap and the paint started flaking or you had sink back to shit repairs it always makes the paint work look poor- No one thinks of the prep work being the problem they just see the finished product, The painters work and will always blame him for the problems.
Then on top of that if some one asks them who painted it- they say it was ******** , thats just fucking your/there word of mouth business if you do it professionally.
I would never paint something that someone else had prep'd - for the sake of a fair paint job or a great one pay extra and get it done properly by some one who knows what they are doing.
I have seen some paint jobs that are done at home and they look pretty good but still never have the same finish as a professional job and is always easy picked.

You cant use acryllic on your fuel tank if you spill even a drop of fuel on it will fuck it and it will just keep getting worse every time it happens.

The fuel just melts it.

It must be 2K for a proper job and a lasting finish in my opinion.

13-06-2010, 01:33 PM
Damo I hear what you are saying but over 30 years of fucking with Bikes and paint jobs and paying TOP dollar (1985 $1,200 Guard Tank and tail piece! to name one) ALL by so called professional painters not backyarders and I have NEVER been happy with any of the jobs I have had done!.

13-06-2010, 02:29 PM
guys its simple, if the guy who,s doing the work loves wot he does like me,then the work is top notch,most beaters n painters only do it cause they have ;to i love paintin bikes and i reckon seeing the smile on the owners face is priceless

13-06-2010, 11:09 PM
how to respray your car or bike (http://www.zionmoto.com.au/DIYrespray.html) i wrote this ages ago, i do thing s a bit diffrently now